A few days ago I came across Swaroop CH’s Twitter profile and started looking at his blog. It had entries from 20 years ago and more. I loved it. The communities that he was part of then are the communities that I am a part of now, and I could even recognize some of the names that he mentioned. His blog was split up into lots of small posts, similar to what people these days would use Twitter for. He had blogged about some of the early meetups that he went to, including the forming of BangPypers, early versions of Barcamp Bangalore, and other important career events for him. I loved it and thought to myself that I want to have something like this 20 years later too. I use Twitter a bit too much, but whatever I put there is eventually lost. I want to maintain this list as a slightly more sanitised collection of important career and personal events for me, that isn’t as smeared by rubbish as my Twitter timeline. I also worry about Twitter shutting down. haha. 2023 joke. kids, there used to be something called Twitter…